Do you love Acting, Drama, Games and all things Theatre? Would you like to make your very own plays alongside the professionals? Then come join us at Somerset Youth Theatre: Cheddar!
We are a youth theatre community in Cheddar that meet every week on a Wednesday, during term time at the Cheddar Catholic Church Community Hall, Our Lady Queen of Apostles, The Presbytery, Tweentown, Cheddar, BS27 3HU. When signing up, we ask that our members commit to attend every Wednesday throughout the term.
Somerset Youth Theatre:
Cheddar (6-16 year olds) meet Wednesdays 5.30-6.30pm
We provide safer spaces for young people to create, explore and find their voice through Theatre and the Arts. Our sessions are delivered by professional Artists and experienced facilitators with Enhanced DBS.
Sessions are offered using a ‘Pay What You Choose’ payment system. Places are fully funded for those in receipt of FSM/PP. We understand that not everyone is in the same financial position, so please pay what you feel you can. We would never turn any young person away due to cost or access. We believe in Arts for ALL young people. We are incredibly grateful to our funders and partners who support us to make this happen.
Cheddar Facilitator

David Reakes
David is now well into his third decade as a professional actor. He has performed in all four corners of the UK, and as far afield as Norway and Italy. Back in 2017 he worked for five months with the BBC Radio Drama Company and was briefly all over your radio like a big ginger rash.
He also works as a storyteller (using his alter ego The Professor), a playwright (his company, Tor Theatre, which he set up with Angela Laverock) and a teacher.
He lives in Glastonbury and is actually an Elder Bard of the town.

Bohdana Ushatenko
Bohdana Ushatenko joins SYT from the Ukraine as a supporting Artist at Cheddar Youth Theatre Group and Company. Bohdana has a background in Performing arts with a vast experience in her home of Ukraine and here in the UK. She is a performer and stage lecturer of as well as enjoying Directing Theatre with young people.
In the Ukraine, Bohdana is proud to have taught more than 600 classes and developed several training programs in drama, including during Lockdown. Bohdana is really excited to be working with SYT and support both the English and Ukranian young people at Cheddar. She says:
“I adore art and everything related to it. I professionally introduce young people to themselves, help them discover their talents and believe in themselves.”
Ушатенко Богдана – режисер естради та масових свят, організатор видовищно-театралізованих заходів,, керівник аматорського театрального колективу, актриса.
Педагог акторської майстерності, сценічної мови та театрального мистецтва . Провела понад 600 занять. Розробила декілька навчальних програм з акторської майсерності. Обожнюю мистецтво і все, що пов‘язане з ним. Професійно знайомлю людей самих із собою, допомагаю відкрити таланти і повірити не лише в себе, а й собі.

Nadiia Latsyba
Nadiia Latsyba is really excited to be working with Somerset Youth Theatre cic, supporting the Group and company in Cheddar as well as SYT’s Play in a Week activities. Nadiia has a vast experience of work in Ukraine and now in the UK, including as a teacher of Acting,Theatre Director, and chancellor at Academic Camps in London and Taunton.
Надія Лациба. Режисерка естради та масових свят, викладачка акторської майстерності, театрального мистецтва та сценічної мови, основ ритміки, культорганізаторка, режисер театру. Викладач драми та канслер в компанії Academic Camps.
Написала сценарії та поставила вистави Міжнародного, Всеукраїнського та Регіонального рівнів. Провела понад пів тисячі занять із малюками, підлітками та молоддю. Розробила авторські навчальні програми
Find Us – Cheddar Youth Theatre